I've been asked a number of times, do I sell the pulleys and safety brackets that go at the top of the pole for my martin house or the T-14 built from my page? Normally I said "No", but I since I have these made for me, it was no big problem to have them make extras and then sell them to folks that couldn't make their own.
When I first designed my house, I designed the pulley right into the top of the pole, but cutting and drilling a Sched 80 steel pole and doing it accurately was next to impossible. So I designed a simple pair of safety brackets that incorporated the pulley right in them.
Although I have made my own before, I know how hard it is to make the brackets and make them accurately and still look good, especially if you don't have the proper tools. It's hard to match the looks and quality of professionally made brackets and pulleys from folks that have all the proper tools to do the job, so I started having them made for me. They're a little more expensive this way, but I like quality and I'm willing to pay a little extra for that quality. They are accurate and are the exact same ones that I use here at my site. I use aluminum because its plenty strong enough and it doesn't rust. I designed the brackets to have a flange bent over the cable and pulley so that, if for some reason the cable were to come out of the pulley groove, the cable is trapped and cannot come out and thus, the house won't come down and injure someone.
What you will get:
2 - 1/8" thick safety brackets.
1 - turned aluminum pulley.
ALL hardware to mount the assembly to the top of a 1.90" Diameter, Sched 80 steel pole.
A drawing that shows exactly how to mount the kit.
If you would like this kit, send $55.00 to the address shown below and I'll ship you one. Shipping and handling (in the US) is included.
SORRY, but I do not ship to Canada. I will not pay USPS $50.00 to ship a 2 lb box across the border.
Please state in the comments section that you want the pulley and safety bracket kit for a martin house.
Chuck Abare
18765 Wells Rd
Athens, Al, 35613
You can Pay Online with PayPal (faster and easier).
Pay to: chuckabare@earthlink.net
If you still have questions, please email me: